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Saturday, July 27, 2024


Iran Blames U.S. Sanctions for Raisi Crash


According to him, the cause of the recent helicopter crash during President Ibrahim Raisi’s visit to East Azerbaijan is the United States. Zarif made it clear in an interview with state media that sanctions imposed by Washington are responsible for this catastrophe, which has caused great hardships for Iran’s aviation industry.

Statement by Zarif Iran

“The Americans are to be held responsible for this sad event, and the Iranian people will never forget their wicked deeds. With joint efforts and resilience of Iranians, we shall overcome every difficulty brought upon us by the US,” stressed Javad Zarif.

Incident Background

All people on a helicopter, including President Ibrahim Raisi and Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian, died when it crashed in the East Azerbaijan mountains yesterday. The wreckage was discovered this morning, thereby dashing hopes about any survivors among those who were on board. The ill-fated helicopter had nine occupants, namely: President Raisi, FM Abdollahian, Governor East Azerbaijan Malik Rahmati, Imam Tabriz Seyyed Muhammad Al-Hashem, Commander Presidential Security Unit Sardar Seyyed Mahdi Musavi, bodyguards, and crew members.

Investigation and Aftermaths

Investigation is underway as to what caused the accident, however they have promised that they will take all measures required for the safety of people in power and citizens.Iranians stormed social media, expressing their sadness and frustration at viewing the event that many consider a setback for our country’s leadership and a blow to national morale.

American Sanctions Against Iran Aviation Industry

Through American sanctions, it has become difficult for Iran to get spare parts or even maintain its aircraft since it can no longer afford them. Additionally, the company has hired few pilots or technicians because the most experienced ones left during that time, thereby further worsening the situation.

International Response

The global society expressed shock in relation to the tragic occurrence, thus prompting various world leaders to send messages of condolences towards the Iranian government as well as its people. United Nations Secretary-General also issued a statement calling for a probe into this crash while raising concerns over safety surrounding civil airplanes within conflict zones.

Internal Aftermaths

Politicians from all corners of Iran have been demanding urgent parliamentary sitting so that they could deliberate on both causes behind such crashes together with the country’s air transport system. Furthermore, people’s representatives were also asking themselves questions about the abilities possessed by the current regime when it comes to protecting lives belonging to upper echelons or even ordinary citizens. This has ignited nationwide debate regarding US economic sanctions vis-à-vis national security.

In summary, the helicopter crashed during President Ibrahim Raisi’s visit to East Azerbaijan and is still sending tremors across not only Iran but worldwide, too. There has been much outrage and condemnation following this incident, which has left many pondering over American sanction’s impact on the aviation field in addition to countrywide safety matters. As investigations continue concerning what happened at that point, Iranian authorities can only mourn their fallen leaders while grappling with tragic repercussions resulting from such an event.

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