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Thursday, September 19, 2024


UN Agencies Deliver Aid to Afghan Flood Victims

Through its partners, rough its partners, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) strives for communities hit by heavy rains and floods in Afghanistan. This is important given that the country is already grappling with significant challenges compounded by natural calamities.

During a regular press briefing at UN Headquarters in New York, UN Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric said that aid teams from the organization also work closely with national authorities to ensure that relief operations are well-coordinated and cover all affected persons quickly. The final aim of those teams is to provide every viable assistance to those tormented by those disasters, underscoring humanitarian backing as one of the UN’s top priorities.

Initial reviews indicate

Initial reviews indicate that 40 humans have died and more than 250 injured. At the same time, 573 homes have been destroyed because of the latest rains and floods in numerous provinces of eastern and northeastern parts of Afghanistan. The situation calls for immediate intervention so as not to lose more lives and also initiate reconstruction programs; only the housing sector has shown how much destruction took place since many families lost both their houses and properties.

According to relief agencies on the ground, at least 734 families require urgent humanitarian aid assistance, including shelter, food, and medical care. International organizations, together with local partners, must act swiftly to save lives for those who have nothing left after being washed away by flood waters.

Refugee Center Destruction

Reports show that Save Children NGO claims over 1,500 children went missing following flash flooding events recorded mainly around Nangarhar province, located eastwards near the border region shared between Afghanistan and Pakistan. These kids are believed to be either swept off during strong currents or separated from their parents during the evacuation process, thereby creating serious concerns about their welfare if they are still alive somewhere waiting to be rescued.

Some villages have been submerged entirely because of heavy downpours, which led to massive losses of livestock. Agricultural land has been destroyed alongside animals such as cows and goats, among others, thereby complicating matters of food security. Not only now, but even future generations will be affected adversely if nothing is done as soon as possible.

Another area hit hard by torrential rains is the refugee reception center at the Torkham border crossing with Pakistan, where most Afghan refugees from Pakistan pass through. In this place, the water supply system was damaged, leaving behind contaminated wells; besides, drainage channels were blocked, leading to floods that swept away all latrines constructed along river banks just close by, thus worsening an already bad situation for such people who already are vulnerable due to their status as refugees.

Aid Resources Required

Assessment of damage caused by heavy rains is still ongoing. At the same time, mobile health clinics dispatched by UN humanitarian partners need better coordination among themselves. Including more deployment teams providing nutrition services across different locations within affected regions at large; also, some medical supplies have been delivered both to Nangarhar Regional Hospital and Fatima Zahra Hospital which will play a crucial role in tackling immediate health challenges and preventing outbreak diseases after floods.

According to him, Afghanistan is among the countries most affected by global warming and climate change. This year alone, 150,000 individuals were devastated by heavy rainfall accompanied by floods. The frequency and intensity of such catastrophes highlight the importance of strong climate resilience measures backed up. With long-term planning that will help mitigate future risks.

This has led to an urgent call by the humanitarian partners of the agency, who have stressed. The need for more funding to be able to assist those people affected by floods and. At the same time, protect families living in open spaces or temporary shelters. This year, an appeal was made for $3 billion in resources for Afghanistan’s humanitarian needs. Still, only $720 million has been received till now, marking a large shortfall in funds. Indicating problems faced while trying to generate enough money against increasing demands.

immediate international support

Therefore, immediate international support is required on a massive scale due to. The ongoing human crisis caused by severe flooding in Afghanistan. Although commendable work is being done, joint efforts between United Nations agencies. And their various partners might not be enough, considering the magnitude of the disaster. Thus, it calls for wider aid provision coupled with enhanced relief programs targeting affected communities’ recovery.

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