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Friday, October 18, 2024


Sunita Marshall’s Open Support for the Joint Family System

Lahore: Popular Pakistani television actress and social figure Sunita Marshall has made sure to support the extended family system. It is a South Asian practice. In a live session on a private TV channel, in a morning show, the actress also addressed what information could be needed for the management of the household and the children if people lived as a joint family.

In particular, while talking with Sunita in her show, Sunita has also faced modernization in practical life and how many opportunities she got because of joint families. Her comments have called into question the place of joint families in the present world, where it is more common to find nuclear families rather than joint ones.

The Benefits of Living with In-laws

Reduction of Daily Chores

During the discussion, Sunita Marshall supported the joint family system, stating the convenience and comfort it provides to her on a day-to-day basis. In her opinion, when living with one’s in-laws, many chores that would otherwise use the time of a woman in the household are taken off, especially in a nuclear family structure. She said, “Living with in-laws brings so much ease to life; you don’t have to worry about many things.”

One of the most important aspects, she mentioned, was getting away from worrying about everything and having to organize everything on her own. The assistance that comes from her in-laws makes it possible for her to carry out a number of household chores, enabling her to engage in other activities in life. Sunita narrated how her mother-in-law relieves her of the burden of most of the routine tasks, such as cooking food or buying groceries.

This system, as she observed, enables one to have a well-planned day and reduces the degree of stress associated with running a house in the present times, where one is also caught up with work and cannot concentrate on a family alone.

Childcare: A Major Boon

Sunita further pointed out how the grandparents help ease the burden of childcare responsibilities. She was like: “The best part about living with in-laws is being able not to bear the burden of children since there are grandparents to assist.”

As in the case of a nuclear family, two income earners who are parents usually cannot manage to separate work and family properly, and therefore, very little of their free time is given to the children. On the other side, in a joint family, the grandparents are the ones who nurture and look after the children, which provides huge assistance to the parents. This not only alleviates tension but also improves the general parenting of children by offering them a better nurturing environment.

The Role of Grandparents in Child Upbringing

Strengthening Family Relationships Sunita was very quick to mention that other than assisting in routines, the grandparents actively participate in the day-to-day emotions and socialization of the children. Being brought up with an entire family makes children more fortunate than others who grow up in isolation because they receive nourishment and guidance from all their parents’ relatives.

The actress shared her personal experience, saying, “My children have developed social ties with their grandparents. And they reap the benefits of their wisdom, love, and affection. This instils in them a sense of safety and helps them feel connected to their heritage.”

Almost all children develop these relationships in a sub-continent. Where most of the children growing up in nuclear families are unable to experience these relationships. So it is with the extended family structure that children are able to learn necessary aspects from the older generations.

Classmate Of The Actress Tooba Anwar’s Viewpoint

Synonymous with Sunita Marshall’s position, to the dismay of her colleague. Actress Tooba Anwar spoke in defence of the joint family system during the same showing. In her view, such living arrangements are beneficial to the upbringing of children. She pointed out that grandparents and other family relations have wise teachings. These are important for the emotional and moral well-being of children.

Tooba stated, “When children grow up in a joint family, they get a positive environment and learn good things. They do not remain just in the relationship with the parents only but also grab their grandparents and uncles and aunties. Thus enhancing the knowledge of family values.”

The Joint Family System and its Relevance in Contemporary Society.

The debate on the joint family system opens a pertinent question: Is the joint family system today? Amidst modernization accompanied by rapid urbanization and changes in social relations towards nuclear families. Many people are beginning to question the need to live with extended families. Sunita Marshall’s experience is a good illustration of how such case scenarios are dealt with. Even in the modern-day Hoffman family.

Joint families might have their drawbacks, but in the case of most people, the benefits compensate for the disadvantages. From everyday worries to helping the children feel at home. The joint family system is beneficial to those who are growing up in newly formed families.

Both Sunita Marshall and Tooba Anwar have provided information regarding the advantages of the joint family system. Through this paradigm of living, they have inspired several individuals to consider the significance of family. Especially in this age when individualism is in the ascendant. As individuals consider and reconsider the merits of living in a joint family or a nuclear family. This debate is likely to go on.

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