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Sunday, September 8, 2024


Rain Brings Relief in Lahore, Severe Weather in Islamabad

This brought some relief from the extreme humidity in Lahore and its surroundings which have just stopped raining. In accordance with the meteorological department, thunderstorms and rains are expected in different areas of northeastern, central. And southern Punjab, including Lahore, during the next 24 hours.

Current Weather Forecast Rain 

The Meteorological Department’s forecast indicates possible thunderstorms accompanied by rain over certain parts of North East, Central, and South Punjab, including Lahore, within the next 24 hours. For instance, only a few places in Punjab saw rainfall the previous day. Still, the weather had been hot with severe humidity, so many inhabitants felt relieved when it rained.

Disruption In Islamabad And Rawalpindi Rain 

The rains and storms have severely disturbed everyday lives in Islamabad, Rawalpindi, and surrounding areas. It resulted in floods in low-lying areas besides roads that caused tremendous traffic jams. Many localities were plunged into darkness due to power breakdowns. Trees, along with billboards, were uprooted while solar panels scattered on roofs, landing far away from their original positions due to this storm. This extreme weather resulted in major inconveniences,showing how susceptible infrastructure is to such natural occurrences.

Impact on Daily Life and Infrastructure

Severe conditions paralyzed life around Islamabad and Rawalpindi cities yesterday. Flooding occurred at lower levels, leading to serious traffic congestion along main roads, making movement difficult.Powers went off, leaving whole neighbourhoods without light, interfering with normal routines and causing extra difficulties for ordinary citizens.Moreover, strong gushes removed trees and brought down signboards, and solar systems escaped from houses’ tops, showing how heavy the tempest of this nature was.

Although the recent rain has cooled some humidity, Lahore remains hot with unpleasant weather. On the contrary, severe weather disturbances have disrupted Islamabad/Rawalpindi life on a large scale and damaged their infrastructures. Residents are encouraged to be watchful as the forecast suggests more rain or thunderstorms in the next 24 hours, which might lead to additional disruptions.

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