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Thursday, September 19, 2024


Hafiz Naeem Guarantees Full Implementation of Contract Clauses


Hafiz Naeem, your Rehman, head of Jamaat-e-Islami. The party said it would ensure that all points of the accord with the government were enforced. If people do not get relief as promised, Jamaat-e-Islami will hold a protest at Parliament House.

During a meeting with TV producers at a local hotel in Lahore

Hafiz Naeem, your Rehman made these statements while talking to TV producers at a hotel in Lahore. The delegation included Secretary General Ameer ul Azeem, Vice Ameer Dr. Usama Razi, and Director Media Cell Salman Shaikh. He said that we will move forward with this movement, and a nationwide rally schedule is being finalized. While vowing to enforce the agreement throughout the country, he announced that a date for the national strike would be given on August 14th.

According to him, if the government did not fulfill its commitment, then there could be a boycott of electricity bills as a protest by JI.

Holding the government accountable remains his top priority, reiterated the Jamaat e Islami leader during a media talk today where he also warned them about taking boycotts upon them in the form of not paying their electric bills should they fail to deliver what was agreed upon between both sides last time around so don’t think we’re bluffing because this time round our patience has run out wholly added Hafiz Naeemur Rehman

Nationwide Rallies and Protests Planned

Alongside sit-in protests outside Parliament House. Which shall continue indefinitely till fulfillment starts happening or else indefinitely, vowed Haifa Naqib Ur Rahman. It was decided that different cities would witness demonstrations, too. Peshawar rally is set for August 12th, while Multan’s one is coming up on August 16th. Among other locations across Pakistan. Such events won’t cease until grievances met felt necessary within themselves before undertaking any further steps. Said these leaders here today evening hours shall see us gathering together again under the banner demanding justice be served, so let all know we are prepared to do everything necessary until justice is done, sighs off Hafiz Naeem.

Commitment to Action

It is clear from Hafiz Naeem your Rehman’s speech that he means business. The Jamaat-e-Islami leader reiterated his party’s resolve to hold the government accountable and ensure its compliance with their demands. This means there will be no more empty talk from JI or anyone else because they have decided enough was enough and are ready now. Even if need be, to continue until every point agreed upon by both sides has been fully implemented.

In conclusion, these words spoken by Hafiz Naeem your Rehman reveal an ongoing power struggle between Jamaat-e-Islami. Pakistani authorities over the implementation of agreements reached earlier. This time around, however, things might take a different turn altogether as it seems like JI has upped the ante significantly this year compared with previous ones; should relief not come soon enough, though, then brace yourselves for yet another long hot summer-filled protests, demonstrations, strikes, counter, strikes, arrests, torture hearings trials cancellations appeals release re-arrests.

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