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Friday, January 24, 2025


Gauhar Rejects Apolitical Govt’s Negotiation Offer

Islamabad: Criticism on Government’s Attitude

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Barrister Gauhar has responded to the government’s negotiation offer critically. He cast doubts over the sincerity and political manners of the ruling party in inviting them.

Questioning Government’s Intentions

According to Barrister Gauhar, the conduct of the ruling party does not demonstrate genuine political engagement. “The ruling party is being non-political but not political,” he said. The chief pointed out that this kind of invitation to talk had never been given before by any other party in any other situation. “How can they say let us sit down and negotiate? Is this how you invite someone to negotiations?” Gauhar asked rhetorically. He insisted upon a proper political approach where an invitation for dialogue should be extended respectfully and systematically among all political parties.

Peaceful Protests Denied by Govt Suppression

Barrister Gauhar’s comments concerned the government’s blocking PTI’s right to hold peaceful protests. He lamented that even basic democratic rights were being denied to them. “We are not allowed to stage peaceful protests or tests, so how can we accept such an offer for negotiations?” he questioned. Gauher raised broader fears about dissent within societies and how governments deal with it when expressing his concerns over this particular issue.

Claims of Ongoing Oppression

Further alleging electoral fraud, Mr.Gohar accused rulership facilitated through Form 47 of being illegitimate. This government is Form 47, he stated, indicating they came into power illegally. He also said, “It continues its oppression and injustices till now.”

Invasion of Privacy & Personal Freedoms Violations

One serious charge leveled against them by Mr.Gohar was a violation of civil rights and constitutional liberties. According to him, state agents were kidnapping PTI workers, and their homes were being raided. “Our people are still being picked up today. These people are violating privacy and sanctity,” he said. This was in line with the party’s prior accusations against the government over human rights abuses.

Demanding Real Political Process

Barrister Gauhar ended his answer to the government’s offer of negotiations with a call for genuine political process. He said that they should invite political opponents for talks in a more respectful and systematic way. He also urged them to address issues related to the suppression of opponents, which, according to him, is tantamount to violation of democratic tenets by any sitting regime.

Going ahead

According to the PTI chairman, this is part of a broader dissatisfaction with the present politics in Pakistan. His demand for genuine political dialogue and adherence to democratic principles reflects the worries of those desiring a cleaner government that is answerable to its citizens. The current state of affairs is dynamic, making it unclear what actions will be taken by those in power following these critiques or whether there can even be any positive conversation at all. Therefore, until then, it remains the responsibility of those in authority to show their dedication to democracy and deal with valid objections brought forward by opposing parties.

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