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Friday, September 20, 2024


Surge in West Bank Outposts Fuels Violence and Fear

In October 2022, Ayesha Shtayyeh. A Palestinian grand mother, was a hostage in a terrifying situation. When a gun was pressed against her head. And a man ordered her to abandon the house in which she had built a life for 50 years. This became the culmination of a frightening wave of violence and torment that started in 2021. Soon after the erection of an unlawful settler outpost in the occupied West Bank close to her home. Surge in West Bank Outposts Fuels Violence and Fear.

‘Israel’s recent analysis shows that illegal settler outposts have increased in the West Bank in a short period.’ At the time of publication, there are at least 196 such outposts in the area. And the last report, no fewer than 29 were constructed last year – the most constructed in one year. These outposts, come in all shapes and sizes including horticulture, housing complexes, groups of large trailers, skate parks, etc. The annexed areas of these outposts are generally not demarcated and are illegal under Israel and international law as well.

Even though, Interviewer Uriel Zak came to speak to me regarding the illegal installation of the outpost. Featured in the Israeli news reports like in the film. According to documents, the Israeli government organizations have been financing these new outposts and providing land for them despite their illegal nature as the World Service. Applying the open-source intelligence method appears to the concerning the rapid emergence of these outposts and their settlers including the man who clashed with Ayesha Shtayyeh.

Impact on Palestinian Communities Surge

Sometimes these outposts can capture a larger area faster than the conventional settlements and are associated more often with violence and harassment against Palestinian communities. Nonetheless, there are no official statistics on the many outposts that exist. The examined lists compiled by Israeli anti-settlement groups such as Peace Now and Kerem Navot, as well as by the Palestinian Authority. Through the use of satellite images and social media analysis of government publications and other news, the   confirmed that almost half (89) of 196 outposts were built after the year 2019.

Violence Related to Outposts Surge

There has also been an increase in violence towards Palestinians with the increase in outposts. Earlier this year; the British government imposed sanctions on eight extremist settlers. All of whom, except two, perpetrated or incited violence against the Palestinians and were connected to illegal outposts. One of these settlers, Moshe Sharvit, who threatened Ayesha, is under sanctions from both the UK and the US governments. His outpost which was less than 800 meters from Ayesha’s house was described as being ‘a centre for attacks aimed towards Palestinians’.

Living in Fear

Ayesha presently having to relocate. And live with her son on the outskirts of the town of Nablus laments these happenings saying. “He’s made our life hell”, depicting how hard it is for the Palestinians especially with extremist settlers grabbing land in the West Bank.

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