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Thursday, February 6, 2025


Student Writes Emraan Hashmi, Sunny Leone on Form

One of the students hailing from the city of Muzaffarpur in the state of Bihar has managed to get some visibility on social media after trying different ways of filling out his Bachelor of Arts (BA) exam form. One unexpected method, seemingly inappropriate to many, was attempting to provide the names of popular Bollywood stars instead of his parents.

Parents Filled with the Names of the Bollywood Actors

Indian media reports suggest that Kundan is the same student who became famous a while back when a picture of his examination form went viral on various social media sites. This is Kundan’s story and Kundan’s examination form, which goes viral on social media. One such form, meant for Kundan’s completion of his graduation, had him mentioning forging his mother’s name to the Bollywood actress Sunny Leone. In another such case, instead of filling in his father’s name, he wrote the name of Bollywood actor Emraan Hashmi in that space.

Kundan’s decision to perform this ridiculous act triggered many reactions on social media, where some people cracked jokes while others tried to figure out his reasons. It could have been a simple joke, criticism of the examination structure, the urge to do something for publicity, or anything else. The action, without a doubt, attracted the attention of the World Wide Web.

Social Media Frenzy and Reactions

When the form’s image went viral, users’ uncapped reactions came from its Twitter and Instagram sections. Providing that meme memes were made, hashtags used a particular title, which amused and surprised the users’ ordinary choice. Bollywood star Sunny Leone and actor Emraan Hashmi have both been topics of internet memes, so their inclusion was bound to make sense of the issue even further. Several people quickly explained that Kundan was in love with a particular actress and dedicated the forms to her in an unusual way.

Some fairly advanced people, on the contrary, had the idea such a ‘stunt’ could take. They asked how it was possible that a university could permit a student to complete such names under such a title and if that particular form could even pass for a legal document. Some asked if there was ever a form or if it was just a grand publicity stunt to create something viral on social media.

University Response Unclear

So far, it is not clear how the Australian university reacted to this particular unusual entry. According to Indian media reports, whether the university accepted or rejected the submitted form is still unclear, leaving the public in suspense. Moreover, people say the pictures swept through social media, raising questions about their credibility. Some consider the form edited, while others believe the document is legitimate.

The school implicated in the scandal has not released any formal policy, raising concern about whether the issue was brushed off, forgotten, or a practical joke that went too far and went undetected. However, the incident has sparked an ongoing debate about various issues, including student mischief. The education system and social media offer a new perspective on all the above issues.

Impact of Viral Content on Education and Social Media

That is why the Kundan BA examination form episode demonstrates. How can something insignificant become a public rush in the age of Social Networking Sites? The form’s picture was shared all over. This focused not only on the student but also on the institutions concerned. In the internet age, when content can catch fire within seconds. Even the most trivial of acts can have dire effects.

For students like Kundan. The desire to leave a footprint in the virtual world may lead them to make outlandish decisions. However, such stunts are sure to raise concerns about the integrity of the educational system. And the potential for a serious backlash if they are taken too lightly.. Even if one considers this episode a harmless prank or a careless blunder. It has opened up a debate over the etiquette of students in the age of social media and. How do such oddities get even more publicized by the media?

Those who used the viral picture of Kundan’s exam form may not have perceived it as a big deal. The content of Kundan’s form creates additional contexts of student accountability, university boundaries, and ways of life infused with stardom. Accepted or not, Kundan’s form as a case would become part of history, characterized. By education and the use of social media to turn a simple joke into a mass hysteria.

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