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Friday, September 20, 2024


Shahid Khaqan Abbasi: Nation Will Not Forgive Today’s Leaders


Shahid Khaqan Abbasi, former Prime Minister and founder of Awam Pakistan Party, made a powerful speech in which he asserted that the nation will never forgive those who occupy positions of power at this moment. He said the government was supposed to serve people but not impose authority on them. The speech by Abbasi stressed a need for Pakistan to conform to its constitutional principles, whereby he underscored that unless the country re-positions itself along its foundational legal framework, it will never achieve justice and stability.

Political Instability and Economic Failure

While speaking at an event to launch the vision document of the Awam Pakistan Party in Karachi, Abbasi spoke about the party’s targets, ideology, and future goals. Talking about electoral manipulation as a critical issue, he noted that any country can’t achieve stolen elections without political stability. In his opinion, what is called “the challenge” is essentially failure and weakness in the economy, which, according to him, have been behind many national problems.

He specifically singled out Independent Power Producers Producers’ (IPPs) challenges alongside his argument that controlling the US dollar depends on economic stabilization inside a nation. Abbasi blamed the current regime for not understanding its resources and needing more capacity to respond effectively to burning issues. Moreover, he accused the government of making false promises to deceive citizens while neglecting their real needs.

The Importance of Constitutional Adherence

Abbasi also emphasized the importance of public officials’ oath-taking, using it as part of the constitution. He appealed for every institution to rekindle its ties with constitutionality while holding onto rule by law only. He has argued this matter, saying,” It is necessary to ensure that government serves public interests rather than serving itself.”

Miftah Ismail’s Call for Equality and Transparency

Miftah Ismail further concurred with Abbasi, claiming that no progress could be made under such circumstances of public oppression. He also proposed a system where everyone is governed by the same law regardless of social status. Regarding IPPs, he recommended honesty and cautioned against any information that would be misinterpreted.

According to him, if taxes were lowered, power bills would subsequently decrease, relieving the public. Ismail further stated that economic reforms and transparent governance are essential for Pakistan’s growth. “Ismail’s remarks suggest economic reform and open administration as indispensable requisites for national advancement” (Scanlon 2018, p. 9).

Conclusion: A Call for Reform

Unsurprisingly, Shahid Khaqan Abbasi and Miftah Ismail’s statements involving constitutionalism adherence, including economic reforms and honest management, reflect the bigger picture. They believe this should happen in Pakistan within one lifetime to take it forward with stability, justice, and prosperity.”

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