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Sunday, September 8, 2024


Shafqat Mahmood Announces Departure from Politics


Shafqat Mahmood, one of the most influential leaders of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and former Federal Minister, has announced his withdrawal from the political scene. He tweeted that he wants to spend the rest of his life writing and teaching. This ends a long and illustrious political career spanning over 30 years.

Looking Back

In this announcement, Shafqat Mahmood looked back on his 34-year political journey. He revealed that he quit government service for politics, and now, after much thought, he has decided to retire. Mahmood clarified that no external pressure has forced him to take this step, nor does he intend to join any other political party. He said he is retiring because time and age have specific natural requirements.

Contribution To Education

Mahmood highlighted his role as the Education Minister of Pakistan. Where he made significant contributions to the country’s education system development. During his tenure, the first-ever uniform curriculum was introduced. All provinces to provide every child in Pakistan with equal educational opportunities. This was indeed a historic move towards educational reforms in our society. Besides this, he successfully managed the education sector during tough times like the COVID-19 pandemic, ensuring continuity of teaching and learning activities even during this crisis period caused by the global health emergency. His works shall forever remain etched into annals of education history as they represent his zeal for improving the educational landscape within Pakistan.

Gratitude Towards PTI And Constituents

Shafqat Mahmood thanked Chairman Imran Khan for allowing him to serve the nation through the PTI platform and also acknowledged the support extended by party leadership throughout his political career, which spanned over three decades. Moreover, he expressed gratitude towards the people who elected him twice from the NA-126 constituency, enabling representation that led to the realization of local nation-building aspirations. He mentioned that serving them had been driven by the desire to help others while positively impacting their lives, thus contributing towards the development of our beloved country, Pakistan.

Future Plans

Shafqat Mahmood said he will not be involved in active politics. But his love for this country remains deep. So he plans to continue his journey through books, teaching, and media appearances. He hopes that these intellectual pursuits will inspire many young minds. Thereby fostering a propitious atmosphere necessary for sustainable growth at the national level. This can only achieved if there is a more significant investment into the education sector as well as other areas such as arts. Science and technology, among others. While no longer serving directly within public offices where services are rendered directly or indirectly to the masses, he will still serve people in different ways, thus changing the method but not the motive towards the betterment of the state.

It’s a new beginning and end simultaneously because Shafqat Mahmood leaves the office he once occupied. Another person takes over from there onwards. However, this does nothing to detract from what has been accomplished. His watchful eye these many years in terms of service delivery improvement for citizens’ benefit. From now on, things may never return to being the same again. Especially considering that various legacies have been left behind during my tenure as an education minister. Which will continue shaping the lives of generations yet unborn. Therefore, future leaders should borrow a leaf from him to strive to make their contribution. Even more significant since the achievement was made possible through teamwork. Determination, commitment, and other critical attributes are needed for success in public office bearers.

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