It was an early Saturday morning in April. When Akara Etteh was busy scrolling through his phone. Just outside the Holborn tube station in Central London. Suddenly a fellow cyclist hanging on an electric bike zoomed next to him. And lifted his iPhone 13 which it turned out. Would be the last time Akara could hold the device. Akara chased after the thief but was unsuccessful in apprehending her. Such is the case with this, an estimated 78,000 ‘snatch thefts’ were estimated as recorded in England. And wales within March recently, this year. Which is a dramatic rise from the last one.
Few Prosecutions and Exasperation Rise
Along with the increase in phone theft rates, the proportion of prosecuted cases also remains insufficient. The police understand it is impractical to apprehend and prosecute every petty criminal. They insist that there is no way of resolving these issues without increasing the efforts from the side of the phone manufacturers. And producers of other electronic devices. The victims of these crimes. Who include Akara himself, are often left unsatisfied. In case of this particular victim. While the location information of the phone was available. Nothing could be done to retrieve the device.
Tracing the Location of the Phone That Got Stolen in Different Parts of London Rise
Akara lost his phone, and Akara quickly activated lost mode so the thieves would be unable to view the contents of the phone. Using the laptop, he even tracked the phone’s location in general by activating the Find My iPhone feature on the phone. After a few hours, notifications began coming in informing him that the phone had pinged Islington. For the next eight days, the phone’s tracking features continued to reveal locations in the north part of London as well.
Dangerous Search for the Stolen Phone
Akara, pumped on adrenaline and furious, decided to take it upon himself to go to 2 of the places his phone had been traced to. In hindsight, he says, this was not the best move to make. For example, “that was quite dangerous,” Akara said as he recalled his decision to take matters into his own hands. Unfortunately, he was not able to get his phone back.
The Increasing Issue Of Phone Thefts
It is quite clear from Akara’s story that mobile phone thefts have become a nagging problem in the cities. It is not only the least significant loss of material valuable assets of a victim such as a phone and other toiletries which have been lost together with the phone. While it is a painful loss, some even lose money. Such discontent is particularly notable in the case of phones, which are frequently stolen but for which law enforcement and the victims themselves seem to take very little action in attempts to get back.