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Wednesday, October 16, 2024


Rami Sen broke her silence on plastic surgery news

Rami Sen, a Bollywood actress from Mumbai, has recently opened up about the rumors of her getting plastic surgery. She talked about it directly and clarified that she had indeed done cosmetic procedures but didn’t get any major plastic surgeries.

Clearing The Air: Fillers, Botox, and PRP

Sen explained that she hadn’t had extensive plastic surgery; instead, she opted for less invasive cosmetic treatments such as fillers, Botox, and Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy. These procedures are commonly used in showbiz to keep one’s face looking youthful and rejuvenated. According to her statement, these steps should be enough to achieve a desirable appearance without going under the knife.

Advantages Of Non-Surgical Procedures

Fillers and Botox are known for smoothing out wrinkles and adding volume to the face, which makes it look fresh or young again. PRP therapy is when you inject a concentration of platelets from your blood into an area like tendonitis or tennis elbow to speed up the healing process. These can also be used cosmetically to improve texture, tone, and overall skin appearance.

The good thing about them, too, is that they’re available for anyone who wants them because Rami Sen said looking beautiful does not require plastic surgery, even though people might say so. If that’s what I’ve done, then I’m happy with myself, remarked Rimi Sen after non-surgical aesthetic treatment has helped her achieve natural beauty looks.

Misconceptions About Plastic Surgery

While discussing these broader misconceptions about plastic surgeries during interviews, she always points out how many times we judge someone based only on their physical outlook. Many people think that every time somebody changes physically very much, they must have gone under knives, but this isn’t true at all since there are lots of non-invasive options offered today by cosmetology. She intended to educate others regarding different kinds of possible beauty therapies besides surgical operations. While clarifying any false beliefs people might have about them.

The Future: Considering a Facelift

Nevertheless, Rami Sen feels happy with what she currently does regularly in terms of aesthetic treatments. But would consider facelifting sometime down the line, yet not anytime soon. “I will think about a facelift after I turn 50,” said the actress. This statement shows that Rami Sen understands the aging process. And considers all options for cosmetic intervention at appropriate stages only when necessary.

Plastic Surgery and Public Perception

According to her sense of humor, plastic surgery may be required by someone. Who wants “to run away after committing a crime”. However, it isn’t necessary to look good hence. Why should anyone do it? These remarks highlight the pressure put upon public figures – especially women – to meet certain beauty standards. Which sometimes might not be realistic or easy to achieve without surgical help. Thus, sharing such thoughts helps demystify things around aesthetics for common persons. Who may not know what happens behind curtains?

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