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Wednesday, October 16, 2024


PTI’s Barrister Saif: No Fear of Government Crackdown

In his recent statements, Barrister Saif openly criticized the Pakistan government, particularly the Lahore authorities, for grappling with unnecessary arrests and using other brutal tactics. Saif’s scathing words discourage the prolonged engagement between the PTI and the Government of the day as the former demands its freedom to organize peaceful protests nationwide.

Government Crackdown Ahead of Lahore Rally Barrister Saif

As PTI is finalizing preparations for the big march in Lahore, Saif focused on the Government’s conduct in the last couple of days. He claimed that a day ago, police commenced intolerance towards supporters of the PTI party and went ahead, pretending that police were looking for excuses to arrest party workers under the guise of law and order.

Saif, in particular, stated that police picked up 20 core members of the PTI for no cause but for having convened a mini-corner meeting the night before, an act of the president that he considered to be unreasonable. He charged that the plan was meant to intimidate the PTI members and prevent them from undertaking any more activities to prepare for a political rally anticipated to attract many participants.

Maryam Nawaz Is Blamed For Political Games Barrister Saif

The Barrister Saif left no chance of offending Maryam Nawaz, a prominent lady in the hierarchy of a political party called ‘Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N).’ He charged her with employing underhanded strategies, saying that it would be able to counter the attempts made by the PTI to gather crowds in support of its cause.

He noted the current leadership and its Mookah sham government, noting that the current avatar of the ruling party is the use of fascist draconian rule to suppress countries’ political dissidence.

PTI Does Not Resort to Violence even in the Face of oppression supported by the Government

Barrister Saif did not hesitate to reassure that despite government measures aimed against PTI values, the party was going to resort to appeasing protests, which were peaceful. Settling of the party, he realized, safeguards: the essence is that the parties will seek to legitimately demand their rights and redress grievances envisaged through peaceful assemblies.

Saif summoned the Government to uphold the calm atmosphere, free of any more forms of harassment and violence. He called upon the management to adhere to the procedures outlined to ensure the safety of not only the rally participants but also the general populace.

SOPs and Government’s Role Barrister Saif

Barrister Saif also cautioned the Government to remember that it should facilitate the adherence of SOPs at political events. In the context of the Islamabad rally, He holds the Government responsible for disregarding the safety measures and fostering a negative inclination amongst the gathering. He cautioned that such repetition of carelessness would worsen the already uneasy position, and the Government would further lose the masses’ trust.

Saif stressed that the PTI is ready to fully carry out every necessary public safety SOP and called on the Government to do the same. But he also added the same Government should not use SOPs to impede the party’s activities or harass its personnel.

“PTI is Not Scared,” Says Barrister Saif

Finally, thumbing his nose at the ruling regime, the barrister Saif declared that the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party is not one the Government’s actions could bully.

The regime is not intimidating the movement by arresting leaders, threatening crew members, or using police violence to disrupt PTI’s efforts through political deception.

Barrister Saif made it clear to PTI workers and supporters that the party remains where it is currently and will still struggle to assert its democratic rights, come what may. Saif said that the politics of the Government will be the ultimate reason behind the PTI’s silencing, but it will not be the reason that will keep the PTI from fulfilling its representative duties.


Barrister Saif’s remarks are also indicative of the ideological struggle between the PTI and the ruling party. Saif, the spokesperson of the PTI, delivered a loud and clear message: the party would not tire from any political oppression and would resist efforts to hinder its peaceful democratic rights struggle.. Tensions, however, are increasing, and whether the PTI will get what it is asking for this time, a self-imposed cessation of the fight, will be apparent in the coming days.

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