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Saturday, February 22, 2025


PTI Founder Arrest | Law Minister Role in Internal Affairs


A significant number of proceedings were held considerably regarding the case against Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan. This was revealed by Azam Nazeer Tarar, the federal minister for law and justice. In his speech, he also said that it was an internal matter for Pakistan, which comes after a UN working group report drew international attention to them.

In accordance with constitutional provisions and standards set by global laws. Minister Tarar reiterated our commitment to sovereignty and self-rule through the judiciary system. He stated, “Pakistan follows its constitution under which each person enjoys rights recognized both at a national level and around the world.”

The Law Minister addressed some concerns the United Nations Work Group raised on arbitrary detentions in their report about Mr Khan’s case. He said relief has often been given on humanitarian grounds, but only after proper trial procedures were followed where necessary. “Fairness remains a keyword” while providing examples such as impartial trials and following legal norms. “Integrity is always paramount when making decisions. Within courts guided by constitutional principles alongside internationally accepted standards, any other claim would be biased,” noted The Honorable Minister.

He further stated that this shows the independence of the judiciary system in Paki, stan. Which should be expected globally since constitutional principles and international standards guide constitutional principles and international standards guide them. So, their decisions must not be challenged unless one has evidence proving otherwise because these allegations lack fairness based on personal opinions without any facts supporting them being presented before the courtroom and hence considered invalid.

Pakistan Asserts Non-Acceptance of Foreign Interference

In addition, he expressed again what had already been said earlier: ‘Pakistan does not accept interference from abroad’. Therefore, he concluded by saying that all these comments made were meant to clear up any misunderstandings about PTI founding members’ legal process taking place inside Pakistan. so far away from where people might think things like this can happen quickly or, even worse still, not at all due to either ignorance or malice aforethought, but must always respect laws made at the national level.

There is a recent international interest in the legal proceedings against the founder of Pakistan. Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has prompted Minister Tarar to make a statement. He said to clarify Pakistan’s position on this matter because so many misconceptions need urgent attention – even though they are all aware of these points. Which have already been published widely in various media outlets.

Furthermore, he wants everybody involved. Including foreigners who might be interested internationally. Especially those working within international institutions like the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS). Amnesty International or Human Rights Watch, among others, deals primarily with human rights issues around the world stage. They should understand clearly now where things stand vis-a-vis legality according. Our constitution as well as relevant laws enacted by parliament over the years so far since independence came about way back. When still under British Raj therefore not just recently only after gaining self-rule in 1947.

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