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Thursday, October 17, 2024


Protests Erupt Over Modi’s Kashmir Election Drama


Of late, there have been protests in the Azad Kashmir about the orchestrated election drama by the Modi government in the occupied Kashmir. Most people regard these elections as a mockery of democracy and see them as mere tactics of propaganda to justify the Indian occupation of the region. Many believe that the military operates in the valley, making it impossible to witness any form of democracy due to such tyranny.

The Presence of Indian Troops Modi’s Kashmir Election

The mass deployment of Indian soldiers in the colonial region has turned the formerly flourishing valley into a military concentration camp. The oppressive army deployment not only suppresses evoking disharmony among the masses but induces a fear psychosis among the natives. The freedom fighters and pro-freedom activists are arrested or made to live in their homes where they are not permitted to argue their cases and participate in political activities.

The Suppression of Dissent Modi’s Kashmir Election

Within the territory, authorities mute dissident views against the Kashmiri freedom leaders, mainly because most of them languish in jails or endure torturous and unfair mass trials. The Modi administration consistently portrays the region as relatively quiet, but locals perceive normalcy as an overly delayed dream.. Blatant civil liberty violations and human rights abuse of the population mark the holding of occupied Kashmir.

Haqeeqi Azaadi Tehrik Ky Itraqi Makhaz Azad Kashmir Main Ho Reha Hay

To this end, protests and rallies have been arranged in small towns, cities, and Kashmir. In these protests, people raised their voices through slogans against Modi’s rule and turned down the farcical elections in occupied Kashmir. The protest demonstration further reflects the alienation of the people of Kashmir from India’s policies in the valley.

Awareness Raising and Call for Action Modi’s Kashmir Election

During the protests mentioned above, participants addressed the United Nations. They urged the institution to undertake the duties stipulated by the resolutions, particularly concerning Kashmir. They sought the UN to intervene for the region’s people and help them achieve their freedom.

Criticism of Erroneous Judicial Proceedings

The demonstrators expressed their outrage at the Indian army for bringing false charges against the pro-freedom leadership. Many of these cases lack any evidentiary support and hinder the efforts of anyone or any group that dares to advocate for Kashmiri rights. Some protestors noted that these legal proceedings not only assault individuals but also represent a systematic attempt to undermine all aspects of the struggle for liberation and self-determination.

Expeditious Solicitation For Leaders Arrested By the Law

Among the protest legislation most solicited was the immediate granting of the detention in custody of pro-freedom leaders. This call shows that virtually all these leaders are in detention based on the fact that some of them have been issuing statements on behalf of the oppressed Kashmiri people. Their incarceration is a reminder of the continuing oppression and the quest for an acceptable seat at the table within the politics of the region.

The India-Pakistan Issue

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) boasted that it had purged the insurgency and that the occupied valley enjoyed relative peace. But this does not resonate with the locals and is loathed. Anger and resistance grow, especially when there is a contradiction between what the government says and how Kashmiris live. . The peace has been at the cost of frustrating the population.

Conclusion: The Last Step Towards Independence

The occupied people of Kashmir continue to demand and fight for the right to self-determination. The belief that they will appease these and other more or less reasonable demands is impossible to expect.  The world must not ignore these calls and extend their hands to assist in avenging the barrenness.

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