Operation: In a significant clash in the Kacha Machka area, a police party targeting kidnapping for ransom activities faced an assault from a notorious gang. The confrontation resulted in the death of four criminals involved in various serious offenses, including kidnapping for ransom and robbery.
Incident Overview
A gang known for its involvement in severe crimes ambushed the police team, which had been dispatched to address a surge in criminal activities. The gang members, heavily armed, attacked the police as they were executing their mission. This led to a fierce exchange of gunfire that lasted several hours.
Casualties and Injuries
Police killed four notorious criminals, including key figures like Sadiq Shar, Rakhokosh, and Rano, in the gunfight.
Station House Officer (SHO) Kacha Machka, Rana Muhammad Ramzan, tragically suffered a sudden heart attack during the confrontation and passed away.
The gunfight injured Constable Qaiser Chatha, who is currently in critical condition. They have transported him to Sheikh Zayed Hospital for emergency treatment.
Police Response
District Police Officer (DPO) Imran Ahmad Malik and Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) Bhong Circle, Ayaz Khan, quickly arrived at the scene with additional forces to support the ongoing operation. They took control of the situation and managed the police response, which involved intense firefighting. The clash with the gang members continued, with heavy weaponry being used by both sides.
Medical and Emergency Actions
The authorities promptly moved the body of the fallen SHO, Rana Muhammad Ramzan, and the injured Constable Qaiser Chatha to Sheikh Zayed Hospital. The constable is in critical condition and is receiving urgent medical care. The authorities are closely monitoring his health status.
Official Statements
DPO Imran Ahmad Malik addressed the media, reaffirming the police’s dedication to public safety and life and property protection. He stated that the police are committed to tackling criminal elements with an iron will and bringing them to justice. The DPO added that they would employ every possible means to restore law and order in the area.
Future Actions and Security Measures
Police have increased the level of security in the area following the attack on the police station. The request is as yet continuous with a perspective on capturing different individuals from this posse.
The attack on the police party in Kacha Machka underscores the severe challenges faced by law enforcement in dealing with organized criminal gangs. The tragic loss of SHO Rana Muhammad Ramzan and the critical condition of Constable Qaiser Chatha highlight the risks and sacrifices involved in maintaining public safety. The successful elimination of the four criminals reflects the police’s resolve to confront and dismantle criminal operation, ensuring justice and security for the community.