In August 2022, Oleksandr Budko, a 26-year-old Ukrainian soldier, faced a life-altering moment. When a shell exploded near him while defending the north-eastern Kharkiv region from Russian forces. The explosion left him buried alive and in excruciating pain, leading to the eventual amputation of both his legs. “I felt the earth shift onto me. I felt a terrible pain in my legs and realized that it would mean the amputation of my legs,” he recalls. Despite the agony, he remembers his comrades rushing to his aid, digging him out, and administering first aid.
A New Beginning on Reality TV OleksandrÂ
Two years after his injury, Oleksandr has become the star of the Ukrainian version of the hit US reality TV series, The Bachelor. In this show, multiple women compete for his affection, and Oleksandr has captured the nation’s heart. In one promotional ad, he dresses smartly, gazing thoughtfully at a flower. In another, he is in military fatigues, answering questions before showing off his strength with pull-ups in a gym. “I understood that I had lost my legs at the moment of injury, two or three seconds after I felt the pain,” he reflects on his journey.
Seeking Love and Advocacy OleksandrÂ
Speaking in a rose garden in Kyiv, Oleksandr is upbeat despite his busy schedule. After brAfter breaking up with his girlfriend last January, heking up with his girlfriend lase acknowledges the challenges of making such a decision with millions of viewers watching. “MillionMillions of people watch this showts a huge opportunity to influence their outlook positively,” he says. Oleksandr’s goals extend beyond romance; he aims to raise awareness about the struggles faced by disabled Ukrainians and to challenge perceptions. “I want to show that injured veterans are not outsiders but full members of society living a good life.”
A Life Transformed
Before the full-scale Russian invasion, Oleksandr’s life was quite different. He was a barista in a Kyiv restaurant, studying graphic design and dreaming of simple leasures like travelling, exploring thetravellingnd growing professionally. He aspired to start a family. However, his life drastically changed when he joined the army, becoming one of the many Ukrainian men called to defend their country. Stationed near Izyum, a critical military hub for Russian forces, Oleksandr’s unit faced intense conflict. Just a month after he was injured, Kyiv successfully liberated the city.
An Unexpected Journey
Today, Oleksandr’s life is filled with unexpected opportunities. He spends his time filming, advocating for disabled veterans, and seeking to make a difference. Reflecting on his new path, he shares, “In my case. My life is now even better than before the war, better than before I got injured.” Despite the adversity, Oleksandr Budko continues to inspire many with his resilience and determination to live life to the fullest.