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Friday, October 18, 2024


Modi Visits Moscow Amid Ukraine War Tensions


Minister Narendra Modi Visits Moscow, India, and arrived in Moscow on his first visit to Russia after the start of Ukraine’s conflict. This trip is significant because of the current changes in global politics and how the war has affected relations among nations with different agendas.

Shook-up Old Friends

According to the Associated Press (AP), the Ukraine war has complicated alliances between old friends. During the conflict, Russia moved closer to China, which India saw as a strategic rival. As such, Indian diplomacy must now be conducted more subtly than ever before if it wants to maintain its regional security interests while preserving historic ties with Moscow.

Russia Tilts Eastwards with China

China has become an essential partner for Russia since Ukraine erupted into violence. With limited economic options due to Western sanctions against them over Crimea’s annexation from Kyiv, Beijing seems like a logical choice. Over another amidst the shifting dynamics of East-West and South-South cooperation.

Global Oil Market Player India

India and China began buying large amounts of Russian crude after US sanctions hit their energy sector following Moscow’s annexation of Crimea from Kyiv, but what does this mean? Essentially, it means that now, not only should New Delhi be curing oil supplies from elsewhere, but also ensure a move does not upset any apple carts among foreign friends lest we forget ourselves somewhere along those lines, too!

Ukraine War – What Did We Have To Say?

India notably did not join other countries in condemning Moscow’s military intervention because delicate feelings were at stake behind closed doors where words can hurt more than weapons ever could. They use them without thought, like bullets flying through hearts already broken wide open, bleeding rivers into space, hoping for someone to take notice beyond mere platitudes meant as diplomatic niceties that serve no purpose other than to create.

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