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Sunday, September 8, 2024


K-Electric Cannot Act Arbitrarily, Says Sindh Info Minister


Everyone should not be punished in the name of power load shedding. K-Electric cannot act at its own will, informed Sindh Information Minister Sharjeel Memon while talking to media persons on Sunday. The provincial minister said punishing a whole area if one person defaults is against all norms of justice and the constitution. He said negotiations with the K-Electric administration were underway, adding that it was not only an issue with K-Electric in Karachi alone as HESCO (Hyderabad Electric Supply Company) and SEPCO (Sukkur Electric Power Company) have also made the lives of people miserable, and they have already communicated to the federal government regarding these companies’ reforms.

He said they had taken up with the federal government to rectify the direction of these companies. Criticizing K-Electricc, he mentioned that they earn from this region but do not invest back into it. Memon further added that K-Electric’s infrastructure is very poor as transformers are not working properly and cannot bear the load; therefore,e supply breaks down frequently, causing more miseries for people. These comments reflect growing anger at power companies and the need for structural reforms to ensure consistent distribution of electricity.

Effects on residents

Affected residents living without electricity for days have had their normal life activities severely disrupted,y such as schools, hospitals, and businesses. This has resulted win ide discontent, which demands immediate action. His words resonatewith hat many citizens fee—servicee providers owe them better services while accounting for their action,s too.

Government responsibility

The Provincial Government has assured its commitment towards addressing these challenges while asking the Federal Government for quick intervention. Expressing concern over utility companies’ performance standards, fairness efficiency, Memon stated that ensuring such measures rests squarely with governments.He emphasized the enhancement of management practices and increased investment in infrastructure development to prevent future crises.

Next steps and changes

Memon mentioned some steps that could help deal with the current electricity crisis; among them include imposing stricter rules on utility firms and providing incentives for infrastructure development. Suchh firms should meet higher levels of monitoring to ascertain compliance. To illustrate, he provided an example of transparent methods for addressing and promptly resolving consumer complaints.

Sharjeel Memon’s words draw attention to how urgent change is needed within our power sector. Through confronting these problems head-on, governments hope not only to provide reliable supply but also to ensure fairness across all residents by making sure no one suffers because few have faults. As authorities continue working around the clock to come up with new methods to solve long-term issues related to distribution system.

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