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Wednesday, October 16, 2024


Justice Babar Sattar’s One-Month Leave Approved by IHC


In a recent event, His Lordship Justice Babar Sattar’s of the Islamabad High Court, received permission to take leave sua sponte for one month. The court administration noted this in the latest circular. The leave will begin on September 30 and end on October 29, during which time all activities in his court’s proceedings will be on hold.

Subsequent Official Notification Issued By Additional Registrar Justice Babar Sattar’s

Mr. Ijaz Ahmed announced the sanctioning of the leave by the Additional Registrar of the Islamabad High Court through an official notification. This step represents a short pause in the judicial work of his lordship Babar Sattar. The leave approval depends on the internal issuance by the Islamabad High Court’s Chief Justice, Justice Aamer Farooq.

Soft cancellation of a cause list while on sanctioned leave

The leave notification also states that to bring Babar Sattar on with leave, the cause list for His Court will stand suspended for his leave, which is quite troublesome. This implies that all the matters to be dealt with in his court will have either been pushed forward or new judges assigned within this time frame. Typically, such cancellations occur when a judge intends to go on extended leave to facilitate courts to make adequate arrangements for delays while administering justice.

Work Done by Justice Babar Sattar in Summer Vacation Justice Babar Sattar’s

The issued notification also highlighted an essential aspect of Justice Babar Sattar’s work schedule when he was on summer vacation, which was the vacation period. The court noted that Justice Babar Sattar took only one month off work during the two-month summer recess.

Significance of Judicial Commitment Justice Babar Sattar’s

Justice Babar Sattar’s resolve to reduce his leave periods in the summer to one month with the operative part still having in mind to hear cases in the second month is commendable. The alternating converse, the rest, and the active court session promotes efficiency in the distribution of justice by ensuring no unnecessary accumulation of cases.

Meeting the Twin Challenges of Rest and Work

Judicial officers also have to cope with the workload and cases; therefore, judges need to take some time off. However, coordinating these leaves with other legal obligations remains essential so that the court calendar is not interrupted as much as possible. Justice Babar had sound reasons for staying behind, and he was able to catch up on some of the summer cases, if not most of the summer cases. He set the tone on devotion to the institution.

Mahmud Ahamed – Justice Aamer Farooq’s Approval of Leave

Chief Justice of the Islamabad High Court Justice Aamer Farooq approved the one-month leave for Justice Babar Sattar even though it almost jeopardized the creation.

Effect on Court Proceedings Justice Babar Sattar’s

Effective immediately and with a particular focus on the Querist Judge absentees within the Islamabad High Court concerning the auxiliary support of the Chief Justice, we will expand on managing the court calendar. Such adjustments may contemplate the rerouting of cases or the postponing of certain hearings until the judge comes back.

Protecting Uninterrupted Delivery of Justice

The court may render the cause list inactive or remove all unlisted scheduled court sessions, including the flavone cases that are set to be heard on the postponed cause list. Such a judicial management system seeks to prevent delays in justice execution even with such breaks in scheduled sittings of the court.

Looking Forwards

The systemic analysis of the judiciary highlights Sh Babar Sattar’s absence for one month.

However, professionals might assume that the authorities would not have granted such leave. . Under CEO Aamer Farooq Barrister’s leadership at the Islamabad High Court, they communicated all these changes promptly, ensuring no chance of delay in executing the event

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