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Friday, September 20, 2024


Islamabad High Court Clears Sheikh Rashid’s Multiple Cases


The Islamabad High Court’s acceptance of former Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid’s Ahmed’s. Requests to dismiss repetition charges in various provinces is a landmark ruling.

Karachi’s Mochko police station recorded cases. But the court ordered the charges to be rejected in Lasbela. This marks a milestone in Sheikh Rasheed’s legal history.As he has faced multiple court battles.

Speaking to media persons outside Islamabad High Court. Sheik Rashid expressed his happiness with Justice Tariq Mahmood Jahangiri’s decision.

He gave the example that this judgment will benefit Alia, Sanam. And Dr. Yasmin Rashid, among others, who may find themselves similarly placed legally.

During his media talk, the minister also criticized the legal system and some prominent lawyers. According to him, lots of top-level advocates only defend influential people like PTI founders or ticket seekers. Ignoring commoners unable to afford their fees. Mentioning how vigorously they fought Imran Khan & Bushra Bibi but did not do enough for poor street vendors as an analogy: ‘One grave. Three corpses’ which showed ridiculousness plus unfairness. Surrounding trying anyone repeatedly over one crime. He added that this matter is about over till August 30 when there would be the last word on it.

He did not spare the government, especially when discussing journalist Imran Riaz’s case. The official said Riaz could not go for the Hajj while in Ihram state. Showing how much individual freedom the current administration respects. Such actions are restrictive, according to SR. So he thinks present rulers don’t care much about personal liberties or religious duties.

In a rather unusual critique, Sheikh Rashid talked about the growing clout of eunuchs in Pakistan. This indicates a shift in the country’s social fabric. But the ANC does not have to be part of it since no one can explain. How do people get money just by passing by a store?

The Islamabad High Court’s decision is not only a legal victory for Sheikh Rashid but could also change Pakistan’s justice system. This ruling relieves Sheikh Rasheed and creates a precedent that might help many others with similar predicaments who may follow suit later on.

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