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Monday, February 3, 2025


India 85 people died in Assam due to torrential rains

The Indian kingdom of Assam has experienced severe flooding, which affected around three million people and led to eighty-five recorded deaths. In reaction to this natural disaster, the United Nations relief companies have quickly engaged in rescue and alleviation operations within the most critically affected places.

To make matters worse

To make matters worse, the place witnessed heavy, incessant rains, causing extensive flooding in all its watercourses, like the Brahmaputra. This resulted in higher water levels, leading to widespread floods.

Floods have displaced over 3000 villages across 27 districts, destroyed over 40,000 hectares of agricultural land, and negatively affected thousands of peasants. Despite low river levels in some places, emergency conditions still prevail in most of these areas; hence, continued help from relief organizations is necessary.

A total number of 293 evacuation camps were set up by local authorities working with different organizations for flood-displaced people. Currently, at least fifty-three thousand persons are housed here who are destitute. These facilities receive sound support from the UN and local institutions so their guests can get foodstuff, clean drinking water, and medical treatment if needed. Thus far, at least three hundred thousand individuals have benefitted from this arrangement through introductory provisions such as foodstuffs, safe drinking water, and medicines.

Losses caused by flooding

Reports on the ground show Dhubri district suffered significantly from the floods before other districts like Kachhar and Barpeta experienced great destruction. The floods continue spreading into additional districts like Jorhat, Tezpur, Kamrup, Tinsukia, etc., raising fears of more destruction and displacement.

Preliminary assessments indicate extensive infrastructural damage. This calamity damaged or destroyed more than three thousand homes. Apart from residential buildings, essential services such as roads, communication lines, telephones, water supply networks, and electricity infrastructure suffered significant damage. These damages have made relief efforts more complex and complicated the rebuilding process.

Extinction of Rare Animals

These devastating floods have also had a significant effect on wildlife. Among these, flood waters swept away more than 200 animals of various sizes. Kaziranga National Park, renowned for its conservation efforts, houses rare rhinoceroses that have been reported. A total death count of 114 animals, including six one-horned rhinos. This is the world’s leading national park in terms of several one-horned rhinoceros. An animal species that was almost extinct at the onset of this century. The loss of such rare animals is significant to conservation and underscores. How far-reaching the consequences of flood can be.

As waters recede in many parts, an Imphal area in Manipur, which is contiguous with it, seems to be improving. However, severe flooding has resulted in several villages (eighty-four) spreading over twelve districts, displacing more than twenty-six thousand people. Recovery strategies are ongoing, albeit challenging, and need to include support and resources to build stability in those affected communities.

From Assam to Manipur, operations regarding relief and recovery indicate the need for an organized response. The organized community to reduce the effects of international wrath. Several people have decided not to let life stop even after the tragedy. Those from humanitarian agencies will arrive soon during the flood.

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