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Friday, September 20, 2024


Honey Singh Reveals Deep Knowledge of Islam

Mumbai: The fastest growing degree holder in India’s music industry, aka rapper, singer, and music producer Yo Yo Honey Singh has shown areas that people might not be very familiar with as he opened up on how he learned a lot about the religion from Islamic scholars and Sufis.

In an open interview with one of the clinical Indian journalists, the music diva shared all her experiences with him with special emphasis on her spiritual nature and spoke about the period when she wanted to know about the Islamic religion and what impact those teachings had on her.

The Beginning of Honey Singh’s Soul Search

Honey Singh revealed that this journey started in 2007 when he happened to have settled in Mohali, Punjab. He recounted, “At that time I wasn’t famous as I am today, I was just a music producer who was not known by anyone, a nonexistent entity, that more strive as as I did. There was no great recognition and fame.”

He carried on, “After coming to Mohali I got an opportunity to meet some Islamic people, religious people. These people taught me the fundamentals of religion and that initial connection created a lot of interest in me. Gradually, I started craving to know so much more about the religion because I had so many questions and wanted to know the answers to them.”

Learning from the Experiences of Religious Elders and Sufi Scholars

Honey Singh narrated how he explained Ghamidi and said, he said,” Because to those religious elders and Sufis, I acquired a whole load of knowledge concerning my faith Islam. During this period, I studied various prophets starting with, Moses and Jesus (peace be upon them), and at last Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who is the prophet in the religion of Islam.”

The artist acknowledged these non-physical mentors and conveyed that they were instrumental to him in answering his questions.

”While listening to them patiently, I was paying very close attention to their lectures. When I worked on these encounters, one of the aspects that fascinated me the most was their explanation of the Prophet Jesus’ (pbuh) role regarding the Quran, and his place in Islamic history.”

Inquiring & Understanding

Honey Singh would illustrate how he doesn’t just sit there but rather would try and have these especially elders deeply reach into them and ask them questions and even pose controversial ones. ”I would ask them questions like, why did people believe in those ideas?” They never made any quitting about my questions, and provided me with sufficient intelligent answers every time imaginable.”

Significantly, by using these, Honey Singh let his grown understanding, he was very interested in the information he was receiving.

A Spiritual Turn and Its Effects

Nonetheless, Honey Singh made an important acknowledgment that after enjoying the fruits of success and wealth in 2012, he became spiritually lost. “When I became famous and made money after 2012, rather than being grateful for any good God should have done to me, I got a deviation and opted for other negative influences,” he admitted. “That was the most terrible disaster I had made in my life.”

As Honey Singh reasoned the reasons for such a temporary departure from the right path, he quite reasonably admitted that this departure had a heavy toll on his health. “Owing to that fault, a gradual breakdown was seen in everything which was a part of my life – health degraded, the work was getting less and less, and family life was wrecked.”

A Road to Forgiveness and New Faith

Even after all that robbed Honey Singh, it hadn’t managed to take him down completely, and he fought back with a vengeance in 2018 post his recovery from the disease. He spoke of how this time the adversity taught him a lesson for life and how he enhanced his faith in God. “When I got alright that was in 2018 and when I returned to work, I came back to my religion, there has not been any faith problem since then. It has been solely God for me and I credit all that. I am and all my survival in this world to him.”

A Trip of Beliefs and Self-Understanding

The tale of Honey Singh is one of an individual. Who sought for himself – the acquisition of glory and wealth at the first step went in the wrong direction. And in the end, the spiritual basis helped him find the right path.

With unusual frankness, he unveils sideways; giving one a much closer appreciation of the being in focus. Who in his case found peace and enlightenment in religion despite his outward stoic façade.

This particular journey has not only made his profession. But has also shaped his perception in life illustrating the strength that resides in enlightenment spirituality and how. It changes people for the better.

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