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Sunday, September 8, 2024


Hareem Farooq’s | Engagement Rumors Stir Frenzy

Lahore (Showbiz Desk)—The whole city is talking about Pakistani actress Hareem Farooq’s likely engagement. She has gone viral on social media, leaving her supporters wondering about her relationship status.

Special Instagram Post Ignites Engagement Rumors

Recently, Hareem Farooq uploaded a video on her official Instagram handle that fueled those rumors. The video features a harem and another man named Saad Sultan. Photographs in the video seem to be taken at different times, showing their close ties. Through this post, fans have gotten convinced that they might be engaged.

Heartfelt Caption Exposes Deep Connection

In the caption of her Instagram post, Hareem Farooq talked about Saad Sultan with words from deep inside her. She wrote, “Saadi! Happy Birthday. You calmed my madness.” Such an affectionate message reveals that something deeper exists between them than mere friendship or acquaintance. Therefore, through her kind words, it can be deduced that these two are headed for marriage.

Love Expression Further Fuels Speculation Of Engagement

Birthday wishes were not enough for the caption. In a further step of love declaration, she enticed the audience even more by using romantic words like ‘baby’. Consequently, this outpouring of romantic feelings left many wondering if they were more than just friends. The fact is now evident to most people- yes, they are lovers and clearly say so.

Fans and Media Anticipate Official Word

The social media post may have excited many, but there has been no official word from either Hareem Farooq or Saad Sultan concerning their engagement. Thus far, fans and news agencies anticipate a statement coming out officially to establish what their relationship means. Therefore, until then, the hype keeps growing regarding paintings still developing.

Publicly Enthralling Love Story

Her recent Instagram post has certainly captured public attention. Hence, fans of the actress cannot wait to see her happy and in love, whether it is a close friendship or one step toward marriage. In the meantime, rumors persist over Hareem Farooq and Saad Sultan’s relations. Sultan’sch remains a hot topic of discussion. Fans are optimistic about the latest developments and anxiously waiting for any official news that may confirm speculations about an engagement.

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