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Sunday, September 8, 2024


Govt to Tackle Negative Social Media Propaganda

To address the issue of false information and harmful content on social media platforms, the government has recently adopted more rigorous methods for dealing with negative propaganda.

To execute this crackdown effectively, the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) is updating its technology. Tenders have been floated by them for next-gen firewalls that should be deployed all over the country through Internet Service Providers (ISPs).

By doing this much scrutiny on each packet passing through it. A lot of traffic can be analyzed thereby making it easier to detect. And block any potentially dangerous or unsuitable material.

In addition to beefing up security levels, DPI technology also offers other benefits like being able to spot threats that traditional firewalls might miss out on. This means that there will be better monitoring systems put in place over web usage leading to higher defenses against cybercrime. Another good thing about having a next-gen firewall is that it can respond quickly enough. When faced with an immediate risk; because it monitors network traffic continuously thus detecting attacks as soon as they occur.

Moreover, apart from DPI capability, URL filtering support will also be provided by these advanced firewalls together with application control and malware protection functionalities. With the URL filtering option activated administrators may block specific sites or web contents deemed harmful or inappropriate while application control allows managing the use of particular programs known to pose risks to system security. At the same time, malware protection ensures quick identification & neutralization of any malicious software trying to enter into network systems undetected mostly through attachments received via email messages among others.

Another important element

Another important element in this strategy is the Web Application Firewall (WAF). Which acts as an extra layer guarding against common threats targeting web applications. WAF will monitor and filter data exchanged between web applications thereby preventing SQL injection attacks. And cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities among others known to compromise security at such points.

These firewalls are being procured through electronic bidding under the Public Procurement Regulatory Authority e-procurement system as requested by PTA. This move is meant to simplify the process while ensuring transparency during the purchase of these critical security tools. Furthermore, electronic bids should expedite selection procedures leading to increased competitiveness. Within tendering processes thus making them more open and fair.

The spokesperson of the PTA has declined to comment on the installation of these firewalls in detail. The silence may be due to ongoing discussions or sensitivity around certain parts of the deployment process. That require utmost care before they are made public.

latest development demonstrates

This latest development demonstrates a strong commitment by the government towards cybersecurity enhancement coupled. With efforts aimed at countering negative propaganda through social media channels. Therefore, the introduction of advanced protective measures indicates a proactive stance adopted by the administration in securing digital space. Where harmful content can easily find their way into online platforms thereby putting lives at risk. While compromising the personal safety also for other users.

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