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Sunday, September 8, 2024


Ex-Judge: Many Innocent Muslims Imprisoned in India


The open letter of Markandey Katju, an ex-Supreme Court Judge of India, has attracted considerable attention. In it, he voices his  Muslims Imprisoned in India concerns .About political revenge and justice denial imbibed by the Modi government. Moreover. It features several instances where Muslims and human.

In the highly critical letter, Katju says he feels distraught with what is happening now. He also highlights the fact that many influential persons.Including former IPS officer Sanjiv Bhatt and Umar Khalid.

This detention, Justice Katju argues, is part of a broader .Pattern where anybody critical of Mr.Modi’s regime faces severe consequences. He notes that most detainees were charged with terrorism or sedition.And some were booked under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) without substantial proof.

The letter demands the immediate release of these prisoners.Terming their continued incarceration as a grave miscarriage of Justice. The only “crime” committed by the majority of Muslim. Inmates is being followers of Islam who spoke ill against PM Modi govt.Said Hon’ble Ex-SCJMK, mentioning that it. Violates basic principles of fairness and equity. Justice embodied within our Constitution .Itself apart from other statutes concerned thereof.

The former Indian Supreme Court Judge’s open letter carries weight.Because of who he is and what he has done.

His criticism will resonate both locally and internationally.Since organizations like Amnesty International have consistently. Raised similar concerns over the years without much impact until now.

Umar Khalid, a student leader, remains behind bars under the UAPA for supposedly inciting the Delhi riots .Despite widespread criticism about the weak charges against him.

Justice Katju’s open letter serves as a powerful Reminder of the judiciary’s role in guarding individual freedoms.  Whether this will prompt the Supreme Court to take any action remains unknown, but it certainly revives discussions about fairness and justice in India.

While the argument rages on, every party involved must consider the principles of fairness and an independent court system that safeguards the rights of all people irrespective of their political ideology or religious association.

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