Instagram, the social media platform owned by Meta. Has introduced two features to protect young users from harmful content, interactions, and potential online bullying. The Limit and Restrict features aim to guard against toxic comments, messages, tags, or even mentions that may come from people. Who bully, harass, or engage in any other form of harm, thereby creating a safe space for everyone.
Users Can Now Set Post Interactions to Close Friends Only for Safety & Privacy
On Instagram, Safety one can limit interaction on their posts only to close friends through the Limit feature. This implies that only those people marked under the “Close Friends. lIst are allowed to comment, send direct messages (DMs). Tag, or mention somebody else in their posts. In contrast, others can view such posts without being able to interact further, which ensures safety, especially among young users who may wish not to be bullied around when sharing something with the peers they trust most.
Users Can Now Restrict Individuals from Tagging or mentioning them, shielding them from Offensive Content and Online Harassment.
The second safeguard is called the Restrict function, where one can prevent some Safety specific persons only from tagging them in any post, but this does not mean they won’t see what they share. Rather, their comments will be hidden automatically so that kids do not come across harmful words during this age bracket. The main purpose behind it was to protect against online harassment, therefore allowing users to decide who should interact with them as well as the content shared by these individuals.
Meta Updates Features Amid Legal Challenges, Criticism Over Online Safety, And Calls For Better User Protection Worldwide
In response to heightened concerns about children’s safety worldwide. Meta, Instagram’s parent company, has updated both features following legal battles with several countries, including the US. Where in 2023, dozens of states sued Meta alleging failure on their part as a social media giant to safeguard kids against harmful materials and activities. This move shows that Meta cares more about people’s lives online than anything else.
Instagram’s Continued Focus On User Safety And Well-being
A Commitment To Continuous Enhancement and Innovation for a Safe & Welcoming Environment. Instagram remains committed to ensuring that its users are safe while using its platforms. This has seen them come up with various innovative solutions to achieve such objectives. Hence creating an enabling environment where everyone can thrive positively.