Apart from being a seasoned Hollywood actor, Deepak Tijori is also an angry plaintiff who sued film producer Vikram Khokhar, claiming he had unlawfully swindled him ₹1.75 crore. The complaint has been officially lodged at the Amboli Police Station in Mumbai, where Tijori claims Khokhar asked for the money as part of a film project but did not do anything to complete the film.
Financial Transaction and Allegations
As per the information sourced from Tijori, on 03/03/2020, he remitted the sum of ₹1.75 crores from his bank account into the account of Khokhar’s firm, Thought Bunchers. Thus, that amount was supposed to be for the postproduction of a certain film project. Tijori states that even though a huge sum of money was being sent, at this point. There has been no actual production of the film or advantageous development for that matter.
Producer’s Response and COVID-19 Impact
In response to their allegations, Vikram Khokhar, one of the directors, stated that the coronavirus hindered the production of this film. He stated that even the crucial London shoot had to be called off owing to such circumstances. Khokhar mentioned that these external factors affected the schedule and completion of the project work.
Background of the Project
In 2019, Deepak Tijori was associated with Vikram Khokhar for the feature film Tipsy. However, this project has been delayed and postponed many times. This time, Tijori was introduced to Khokhar to seek his help in resolving these problems and further developing the project.
For his part, Khokhar explained to Tijori that he could gather the necessary connections in London to finalize the shoot. Approximately one and a half cr were required to complete the project, and that was to meet certain production needs. However, following these guarantees, further activity has not taken place, which has forced Tijori to consider legal steps.
The Legal Proceedings
The suit incorporates the allegations of fraud and breach of trust. Within this context, Khokhar quotes Tijori’s complaint detailing possible relevant uses of the funds raised and concerns regarding Khokhar’s performance. The matter is expected to be fully investigated at the Amboli Police Station to check the viability of the allegations and the best legal action that needs to be taken.
This case illustrates persistent concerns related to the finance and administration of films in the film industry. It points to the respect that needs to be given when handling bats between the actors and the producers. The case is still in court, and it would be interesting to note how it will affect future contracts and collaborations in the Bollywood film industry.
The case filed by Deepak Tijori against Vikram Khokhar is another case to blame the film industry for underpaying and even exploiting its employees. Now, both of them are in standby mode, waiting for the law and justice to decide whether. The charges need to be proven or put an end to. Meanwhile, as the events develop, the consequences of this case may change not only. The priorities of company policies are also the principles of ownership behavior in creative industries.