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Friday, February 21, 2025


CM Murad Ali Shah Pakistan Will Overcome Challenges United


According to Sindh CM Murad Ali Shah, these people will never succeed in achieving their goals of demoralizing the country. The speaker said that while there are challenges, it is not as bad as some elements want people to think for political or personal gains.

Speaking at the mausoleum of Quaid-e-Azam, Murad Ali Shah has expressed his confidence in the Pakistani nation’s ability to bounce back. He told his fellow citizens that they have seen worse and will come out even stronger still. He promised that terrorism would be wiped out from the land, bringing about a prosperous Pakistan. It also followed recent martyrdoms of FC personnel where he expressed deep sadness during his speech.

Condemnation of Negativity CM Murad Ali Shah

He went on to condemn those who perpetuates hopelessness especially among young people as such individuals being major causes of this crisis within our country. Conversely, he maintained that such negative forces have not only been a threat to the social fabric of Pakistan but also damaging the entire nation. Nonetheless, he assured that we can handle this situation well and it does not look so disastrous like others may think.

The Role of the People CM Murad Ali Shah

He pointed out that real power comes from within Pakistan itself; thus its strength emanates from its people who believe so much in themselves. He strongly believed that it is citizenry including youth who can rescue our present circumstances in Pakistan. Additionally, this was an occasion for him to remember all those members belonging to both Pakistan Army and Police who lost their lives for protecting country.

In conclusion, remarks by the chief minister highlighted intentions to fight against gloominess as well as pessimistic attitudes; therefore, making sure citizens remained united towards attaining a prosperous and stable Pakistan because they could overcome anything together.

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