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Friday, October 18, 2024


Biden Out Trump Says Harris Easy to Defeat

Washington: Donald Trump, the candidate opposing party candidate, responded to President Joe Biden’s declaration that he might be withdrawing from the race.

According to resources

President Biden has withdrawn from the approaching presidential election. In an announcement by the White House, Biden said it was an honor to be President and wanted to run for re-election. He stated that he had usually seen being United States President as one of the finest honors of his life and that this selection became no longer smooth for him but essential to assist others.

The President added that stepping down would benefit his party and the country best. He promised to speak with Americans later this week and, until then, fulfill all duties tied up with being their head while still in office. Mr. Biden outlined some tough times faced by his administration, such as dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, among other things, which helped stabilize the economy after it started declining rapidly due to lockdown measures imposed nationwide, thus asserting that over the past three years, America has made tremendous progress and becoming more vital than ever before both economically and otherwise.

US media have speculated

US media have speculated about Vice President Kamala Harris’ chances now that Biden is out of the race. During a speech earlier today, the former Vice President endorsed Harris’s candidacy and stated that she has all his support if she decides to run for any higher position than she currently holds as vice president. Some pundits think this could pose challenges against her since they believe Trump may be a more challenging opponent, primarily because many people like him based on his achievements while serving as President.

Donald John Trump, seeking the Republican nomination for the US presidency next time, reacted through a social media platform called Truth upon hearing the news regarding the current Democratic leader dropping off the campaign trail halfway through their term limit. In a tweet posted shortly after noon Eastern Time (ET), POTUS45 claimed it would be easier to defeat K. Harris than J.iden at polls but did not provide any evidence supporting his claim.

former Commander-in-Chief

The former Commander-in-Chief also called out Joe Biden as the worst President America has ever had. He alleged those surrounding him knew about this fact, including doctors who treated him during the illness period or media persons representing his interests; however, they still allowed him into office by telling lies and spreading fake news stories about other candidates such as himself. Trump continued to hammer away at what he sees wrong with the country today, which largely centers on the belief system shared among liberal Democrats that the United States needs more government control over people’s lives.

He added: “We have millions of people coming through our border. Many of them are coming from prisons; many of them are coming from mental institutions – and some of them are terrorists.” This last statement mirrors sentiments expressed frequently over the years regarding illegal immigration issues among conservatives like Donald John Trump (DJT).

According to Donald Trump,

the former US President, everyone has seen what Biden did to this country and that he is utterly unfit for office. He described his reaction as a period of suffering experienced by many citizens throughout America under this President before adding that they would bounce back fast from it, too. Trump’s remarks intended to invigorate his supporters while positioning himself as someone who can bring back what he feels is America’s lost splendor.

With Biden dropping out of the race, both sides are readying themselves for battle in the highly contested upcoming election. Candidates will develop new strategies, form alliances, and present their visions for America’s future to us all.

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