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Tuesday, February 4, 2025


Airport Project Flaws: Allama Iqbal Terminal Extension Issues


Recent disclosures have revealed critical deficiencies in the design of the mega extension project at Allama Iqbal International Airport Project Flaws. The Rs26 billion project has been haunted by allegations of incompetence and mismanagement by Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) officers. This record looks into those issues and their aftermaths.

Incompetence and Design Airport Project Flaws

According to documents obtained by Daily Dunya, CAA employees’ alleged incompetence caused an abrupt halt in work on the terminal building extension project. After awarding the contract to a private company, problems with the terminal building’s design arose. The sudden stoppage raises questions about how well the project planners and executors managed the work.

Federal Secretary’s Reaction Airport Project Flaws

The federal secretary responded angrily to this flawed design. After viewing it, he ordered another design for the extension of the terminal building to be prepared. This decision shows the seriousness of the issues involved, which calls for a thorough review and revision of the project’s plans.

Financial Mismanagement


Sources from the Civil Aviation Authority said they gave the contractor funds before starting the construction works. Critics contest this preemptive financial allocation because it raises questions about how officials supervise the project’s financial aspects.

Released money without proper verification vis-a-vis design is among the causes of the current crisis.

Blame Game Among Officials

This situation has led to finger-pointing between CAA officers. Planning Director Ghulam Abbas Sheikh and Project Director Taqir disagree on what went wrong. Sheikh has avoided commenting on the issue, while Taqir asserts that no incompetence occurred and that they did not release all the funds to the contractor before the commencement date.

Contract Award and Signing


Director of Planning Development Abbas Sheikh signed a contract for a terminal building extension with China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC) yesterday.

Accountability and Future Steps

In light of these revelations, CAA needs to be accountable. The Federal Secretary’s decision to order a fresh design highlights the importance of addressing current challenges and ensuring that future work on this project follows proper planning and execution standards.. All parties involved must, therefore, cooperate fully to solve the present difficulties and avoid similar ones in the days ahead.


The recent developments around mega projects undertaken at Allama Iqbal International Airport Lahore reveal significant issues related to its design. Financial management and project oversight mechanisms. The sudden stoppage of work. Caused by an erroneous plan followed by blaming each other. Officials point toward a lack of accountability and better management systems within such agencies. This should serve as a wake-up call for all stakeholders to take quick  .Measures to address the failure to deliver such critical infrastructure projects.

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