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Friday, September 20, 2024


Imran Khan Efforts to Unite PTI Amidst Factional Tensions


Former Prime Minister and PTI Chairman Imran Khan has dismissed rumors about a forward block within the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI). Speaking to journalists in Adiala Jail’s courtroom, Khan clarified that no decision has been made regarding leaders who have left the party. He emphasized that decisions regarding leaders who endured hardships versus those who fled upon seeing files will be made separately.

Addressing Internal Party Differences

Responding to a journalist’s query about groupings within PTI, Khan acknowledged minor differences but denied any significant splits. He mentioned that he has summoned both groups for discussions to resolve any issues.

Congressional Resolution on Pakistani Elections

Khan discussed a recent resolution passed by the U.S. Congress concerning Pakistani elections. He highlighted that the resolution raised questions similar to those mentioned by PILDAT, FAFEN, and PATTAN. He noted that the Israeli lobby in the U.S., despite its strength, has never achieved such a resolution.

U.S. Congressional Resolution vs. Cypher Allegations

When asked whether the Congressional resolution was an interference in Pakistan’s internal affairs, Khan differentiated it from the cypher that he claims led to the downfall of his government. He reiterated his stance on U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Donald Lu’s interference in his government’s ouster.

Internal Party Conflicts

Journalists questioned Khan about recent incidents involving party member Umar Ayub. He defended Ayub, stating that he has made significant sacrifices for the party. However, Khan dismissed questions about Fawad Chaudhry, labeling the current budget as oppressive and predicting a surge in inflation.

Critique of the Current Government

Khan criticized the government for being born out of electoral fraud and running the country on lies. He condemned the role of the ISI in controlling prison administration and mentioned seeking legal action against ISI officials’ presence in jail. He called for transparent elections as the only solution to Pakistan’s problems.

Bushra Bibi’s Remarks

In a brief conversation with journalists, Bushra Bibi, Khan’s wife, denounced the current government as evil and accused it of defaming the country and the military. She expressed confidence that divine intervention would topple the current regime.

Imran Khan interaction with the media in Adiala Jail underscores his firm stance on party unity, electoral transparency, and opposition to external interference in Pakistan’s political affairs. His critique of the current government and call for reforms reflect ongoing political tensions in the country.

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