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Wednesday, October 16, 2024


Worst Show in Indian Comedy, Amit Aryan on Kapil’s Show

Mumbai: The acclaimed writer of the television series F.I.R. Amit Aryan has openly criticized the hit show The Kapil Sharma Show hosted by one of India’s most famous Comedian Kapil Sharma, which has found many detractors in its critics. The critique surfaced after the Indian writer-turned-television director expressed himself owing to the misogynistic content and humour in the show, which, in his opinion, is not only irrelevant but also insulting to women.

Kapil himself had quite recently shared an interview where Amit Aryan did not leave even a single chance to praise ‘The Kapil Sharma Show’, recalling it as the ‘worst show in the history of Indian comedy.’ The writers say that such a show is filled with low grades and childish dirty jokes all the time, and this is a very modern development and should not exist in Indian entertainment. However, his core issue revolved around the portrayal of women on the show.

Filthy and Disrespectful Humour

One prominent aspect of Aryan’s criticism of the program is that it irreverently goes against women. He lamented mainly how women would be treated in many sketches and performances and said much of such comedy involved putting down women. So, as per Aryan, the thuggish jokes that the platform allows towards women are exceeding limits, and instead of being funny, what could have been funny became vulgar, unnecessary entertainment.

Among his points of engagement on that issue was that Krishna Abhishek portrayed the character ‘Sapna.’ He maintained that this character overuses cheap and vulgar remarks against women in the name of humour, which only belittles women but elevates nothing in terms of humour. “I found the jokes to be cheap. They don’t serve any worthy enhance to the reportorial humour,” he stated. To Aryan, this image of women in a comedic setting in this respect does no good to the entire production and adds another unfavourable perception of women in society.

Appreciating the Need for Dignity in Comedy

He highlighted the need for respect and dignity in society, especially about women in the media and entertainment industry, through the example of Amit Aryan. In his opinion, The Kapil Sharma Show fails to conform to this ideal quite often. In his argument, jokes making fun of women regarding how they look, how their character is, or how they behave are not only distasteful but also bring negative views about women to society.

That brought us to the idea that even entertaining comedy does not need to take cheap shots or an offensive approach to get the laughs. In his words, respect for women should be an integral core of every show, especially the Kapil Sharma Show, one of India’s most-watched shows. To him, the sustenance of disrespectful laughter in society only encourages violence and unhelpful attitudes towards women in the standard setting.

Not Just Kapil Sharma: The success of the Show

Apart from assessing the humour quotients of the show. Amit Aryan also had his say on the phenomenal success of The Kapil Sharma Show. In explaining why Kapil Sharma is usually associated with the popularity of The Kapil Sharma Show. Aryan opined that the achievement is not individual. He noted other characters as well. The supporting actors play a big part in retaining the audience’s interest. Aryan suggested that while Kapil is the program’s star, in reality. These supporting cast performances make the program sell.

Issues of Content: Decline in Quality Comedy

Amit Aryan did not confine himself to the issues of The Kapil Sharma Show. But took a swipe at the current state of Indian comedy, too. He was worried because he thought that today’s generation has not been introduced to any good Indian comedy. Thus, they begin to appreciate and laugh at punch lines that include body, fat, and drug shaming.

In Aryan’s opinion, modifying humour so that. It will be remembered in the future is not welcome in more than one way. He said that people are now more interested in crass humour that ridicules and abuses people for their looks or gender than in humour that is creative or respectful. Aryan believes that comedy aimed at young audiences doesn’t need to be abusive. Comedy theorists should altogether remove such factors.

Discourse on The Standard of Comedies in India and Its Implications On The Kapil Sharma Show by Two Comedians Isb

Amit Aryan’s critique of The Kapil Sharma Show is not just an attack on one program. It is an appeal for nothing less than a change in Indian comedy as a whole. In his view, comedy should be funny but should not belittle anybody, especially women. Aryan’s thoughts highlight the increasing need for a higher level of exi to displace respect. Intelligence and humour without sacrificing any of the three.

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