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Thursday, September 19, 2024


Tandojam Toll Plaza Protest Ends; 5 Police Injured


A recent wave of protests erupted near the Tandojam Toll Plaza of the Hyderabad-Mirpurkhas road, which has recently been activated. It was attended to by striking transporters, who rounded up in large numbers purposefully to demonstrate their ire at the recent hike in toll tax, which, they felt, was unreasonable and painful. This protest lasted a couple of hours but turned personal, making several protestors and police officers nursing mass injuries.

‘Protest. This Is Not an Unreasonable Expectation’

The main matter was the claim that fuel prices should not have gone up at the Tando Jam toll. Beginning with unjustified fuel prices and rising repair costs, this transport fraction regarded this extra toll as unjustified. Their anger resulted in a large protest close to the toll gate, demanding the charges be reverted to the previous state. Still, in the spirit of indignation, the people resolved to obstruct the road, which was a thoroughfare for public transportation and trade between Hyderabad and Mirpurkhas, creating a dreadful traffic snarl.

Policing and Countering the Problem

Because of the rapid growth of the protest, the police were called to control the area. However, it quickly became a confrontation because the protesters were unwilling to yield. To control the mob, the police started using batons and firing in the air; however, they were at risk of injury at the hands of the angry protestors. Joey bravely faced the other side while protesters threw stones at the police.

Bringing in Suspects and Opening Up Roads

After a prolonged standoff, the police finally regained control of the situation. Twelve protesters were arrested, and the road was cleared by force. The Hyderabad-Mirpurkhas road was opened for traffic after the protestors left the scene. The blockage, where people were stuck, lasted about 10 hours, causing severe disruption to commuters and even making them stuck.

Negotiations Have Not Made Any Progress in Resolving the Conflict

Before the use of force by the police, attempts were made to resolve the issue peacefully. The Deputy Commissioner held discussions with the demonstrators, asking them to cease the protests. Nonetheless, the demonstrators executed a sit-down strike with no ending in sight until their revenge was guaranteed. The breakdown of these talks, in turn, gave way to the police action.

The Consequences of the Protest

The protest on the Hyderabad-Mirpurkhas road indicates the increasing frustration from the public, especially the people in transport. Injuries to police officers and even arresting several protestors show how bad the situation was. The road has been re-opened, but the underlying causes of the protest have still not been sorted out. The complaints of the transporters regarding the increase in toll tax are still likely to continue, and this could aggravate further protests if not looked into.

Furthermore, this event shows the limits of the police in controlling large demonstrations. The crowd dispersal technique was sometimes justified, but it also raised questionable practices regarding how things should be handled in the first place. In the future, it will be imperative for the authorities to find a constructive engagement with the people to avoid a repeat of the scenario.

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