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Thursday, September 19, 2024


Bushra Ansari Demands Action Against Women’s Abusers

Lahore: Popular Pakistani actress Bushra Ansari has recently made a passionate appeal for severe punishment against men who commit violence against women. This plea comes after numerous tragic cases of abuse and murder of women in Pakistan as well as India.

Creating Awareness

Bushra Ansari has become an influential voice for women’s rights, frequently addressing the high rates at which females are battered, assaulted, or even killed. She reacts to these incidents by demanding immediate reforms and justice systems where they are needed most desperately. The well-known artiste took to Instagram again with another video clip where she condemned, in the strongest terms possible, a few weeks ago, her husband brutally killed Sania Zahra in Multan, so she spoke about, among other things, murder by Doctor Kolkata, India, etc…

Condemnation of Recent Incidents

In her Instagram video post, Bushra Ansari expressed severe concern about the growing acts committed out of cruelty towards females. According to her, these are not isolated events. Instead, they form part and parcel with broader systemic challenges that require urgent redressal measures. For instance, Saniya Zahra’s case, which was perpetrated by none other than his spouse, also killing off medical practitioners from such areas like Calcutta, etcetera, serves as a stark reminder of just how difficult it can be for any woman going through life every single day anywhere on this planet today. This highlights the severity levels involved and brings into the picture joint actions required between people living together within communities and response agencies bound by law enforcement authorities.

Call for Reforms

What Ansari is saying here is that unless we put harsh penalties on those responsible coupled with dealing with toxic masculinities. Then, everything will continue moving in circles without achieving much success regarding elimination strategies aimed at addressing violence against women. She added that the existing legal framework does not do enough to deter such crimes. Which often go unpunished due to a lack of effective deterrents. Therefore, more laws should be enforced while support systems for victims should be strengthened.

Dealing with Toxic Masculinities

According to her, there is a need for challenging and changing cultural practices that promote gender-based violence. It should be noted that some men think being authoritarian means dominating women. Which eventually results in harming them physically or emotionally. Thus, she appeals to all communities living together in a society where females are respected as equal human beings. Who deserve better treatment than what they currently get from their male counterparts.

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