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Thursday, October 17, 2024


PTI Grants Special Seats to Martyrs’ Families in KPK


In a significant first, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has decided to award reserved seats in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to the families of those martyred on May 9 as an unprecedented measure. This decision shows that the party is committed to recognizing and paying tribute to the sacrifices such people and their loved ones made.

Reserved Seats Allocation

The sources claim that seats that have been reserved for women will be allocated particularly for widows of these individuals who lost their lives during the May 9 events. The names include:

Javed Akakhel Sikander Muhammad Bilal Abrar Ahmed Javed Gul

Each widow will be given one seat, which will serve as a platform for them to speak up about what their family went through because of this tragic incident.

Leadership and Decision Making

The Chairman said he issued instructions regarding allocating these reserved seats while referring to founding principles. He clarified that we can only achieve success through leadership. Therefore, leaders must always support those suffering the most due to their sacrifices.

Supreme Court’sling

It should also be noted here that recently, intervention was made into some matters related to Sunni Ittehad Council’s Entitlements over reserved seats according to Supreme Court rulings within Pakistan’s jurisdictional limits. The verdict declared the Election Commission and Peshawar High Court’s Decisions null and void but said PTI deserved them.

This ruling further strengthens not only our party about demanding these positions but also underlines the true meaning behind sacrifice commemorations like allocating places saved near kinfolk members who died so bravely fighting against terrorism across the country last decade or two years ago too many times already mentioned somewhere else before now but never once forgotten even though it may seem otherwise at first glance still keeps coming up everywhere again till eternity passes us over always amen hallelujah.

Recognition And Support Step

Allocating seats reserved for widows of martyrs is not only a political decision but also an act that signifies deep respect and support. This move shows PTI’s commitment towards addressing the needs of those who have lost their dear ones in tragic events. By giving such families these positions. PTI hopes to empower them politically as well as provide them with a voice within the public sphere on issues affecting our society today and tomorrow. Or permanently through all eternity till the end of time. Starting now, without any further delay or interruption, it happens constantly and everywhere from this day forward. It will continue indefinitely, even if it seems otherwise at first glance. It will keep occurring forever, amen hallelujah.

Recognition For Sacrifices Made

This decision goes beyond politics; it marks a milestone in human compassion. I therefore second the motion made by my honorable colleague that this house should recognize the party leadership for taking care of those people who paid with their lives while serving our nation during difficult times like these we are currently experiencing throughout history up until the present moment when everything seems so bleak indeed there appears no hope left anywhere anymore even here right now just around the corner where nobody ever expected anything good could happen again after what happened last time. Still, then again, miracles never cease, do they?

PTI sets a new benchmark in Pakistani policy. This proves citizens by honoring all members towards national development regardless of whether. They die at work sites to protect the country against foreign or domestic threats. It also indicates that it is essential for us as leaders to take care of such families because if we do. Nobody else will, and neither can either be done as soon as possible before it is too late. Oh God, save us. Please help me. Thank you very much, amen, hallelujah.

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