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Thursday, October 17, 2024


Ashura 2024: Honoring Imam Hussain’s Legacy of Courage Justice


On the occasion of Ashura, both President Asif Ali Zardari and Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif said in their messages that remembering Honoring Imam Hussain’s, who sacrificed his life along with 72 near and dear ones, including his 6-month-old baby Imam Ali Asghar (AS) for upholding the truth is imperative.

Significance of Ashura Honoring Imam Hussain’s

In his message, Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif further explained the importance of this day. This day carries great value in Islamic history because it contains virtues and historical events. It represents the finality of the struggle between Haq (truth) and Batil (falsehood). It symbolizes the highest level of sacrifice that the beloved grandson of Prophet Muhammad made, Peace be Upon Him, at Karbala.

Lessons from Karbala Honoring Imam Hussain’s

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif also highlighted some lessons from Karbala, such as fighting against cruelty while remaining steadfast in Truth. He said Imam Hussain RA confronted Yazid’s despotic rule with bravery and eternal patience. This act shows Muslims what they should do when there is injustice around them—raise their voices against oppressors even if they are alone.

Current Relevance of Ashura Honoring Imam Hussain’s

Shehbaz Sharif connected today’s global struggle with events during the Battle at Karbala centuries ago. He compared the sufferings undergone by Palestinians under the Israeli occupation regime to those faced by Imam Hussein AS and the rest of the martyrs at Kerbala. Our commitment to the rights of defense of Palestinian people and the protection of Al Aqsa Mosque comes out from within us due to the spirit of resistance depicted by these two historical episodes.

Kashmir’s Plight Honoring Imam Hussain’s

HKashmir’suched upon the Indian-Held Kashmir situation, where people have been living under decades-long oppressive rule without any hope left for betterment or justice. The brave leader reminded Pakistanis about their duty towards supporting our oppressed brethren in IOK who are fighting against Indian occupation forces day and night. Like Karbala’s martyrs, Karbala sacrifices everything they have in this world and hereafter so that truth prevails over falsehood.

Economic Challenges & National Unity Honoring Imam Hussain’s

Considering Pakistan’s economic situation, Shehbaz Sharif requested that citizens not lose hope. He urged them to remain united as one nation during these tough times when things may seem impossible to achieve otherwise because if we stand together, nobody can break us apart from each other ever again! He also said that present difficulties can be overcome easily if everyone shows patience and brotherhood towards each other while working hand-in-hand with sincerity. For this purpose, he drew inspiration from teachings imbibed within the soul Ashoora, which teaches us how much people should love and sacrifice themselves to achieve a common goal.

The real meaning of Yazidism Honoring Imam Hussain’s

The Prime Minister identified Yazidism as an ideology designed around establishing oppressive systems and structures that promote inequality among different groups in society. He called on all concerned parties, particularly those with vested interests, whether external or internal, to shun such divisive tendencies meant only for personal gains at national unity expense. Threats emanating from inside or outside the country must make us forget petty issues like sect, language, etc., but foster positive virtues like selflessness, tolerance, unity, and discipline among ourselves instead.

Imam Hussain (RA) ‘s Teachings

In his concluding remarks, Mr Shahbaz reminded the Pakistani people of the lessons we can take away from the sacrifices made by Hazrat Imam Hussain AS and others. He highlighted the need for bravery during trials because sometimes you must fight, even if it means losing everything except your life. May Allah SWT give Muslim Ummah strength to follow the footsteps of Imam Hussein RA, who demonstrated the highest level of commitment humanity had never witnessed before

A Demand For Unity

The statements of Pakistan’s Presiden Pakistan’sand Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif on Ashura have served as a call to action for Muslims worldwide. These messages remind us about bravery, fairness, and solidarity, which are necessary to overcome today’s difficulties. Imam Hussain (RA) and his followers set the example that Muslims globally should pursue righteousness and justice in society.

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