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China Moon Mission Returns with South Pole Samples


China Moon is the first country in the world to collect samples from the Moon’s south pole and bring them back to Earth. The re-entry capsule of the Chang’e 6 mission landed in Inner Mongolia’s Siziwang Banner region with those precious lunar samples.

Successful Lunar Mission Moon

The Chinese space program was a great success in returning lunar materials. On May 3, they launched Chang’e 6, which, on June 2, landed on the far side of the moon, which could not be seen from Earth, where it spent two days collecting samples from the surface and rocks at the northeast region of the South Pole-Aitken Basin, which is where it touched down.

Sample Collection and Return

After collecting these samples, the lander for the Chang’e 6 mission successfully ascended from the moon’s surface and docked with the Oribter in lunar orbit. Then, it took twenty days for a mission to get back to Earth.

Historic Achievement

This is the first time the dark side of the moon has been visited during any missions so far. Before this United States’ the Soviet Union and China had only collected from the side visible to us while being on our planet but not their own celestial neighbor’s other half, hidden underground forever without sunlight, except when someone like Chang e six shows up uninvited looking around asking questions about what happened here long ago long before anyone ever thought humans would come close enough for long enough again so soon after last visit than expected considering how close they are proximity wise anyway also even though previous missions didn’t get anything interesting this will help scientists understand the early history of the earth-moon system.

Scientific Insights

Still, people have yet to learn precisely the formation times of the moon. Still, some new findings might give some clues as to when it all started happening etcetera etcetera etcetera ad infinitum et cetera et cætera I can keep going on like this forever.

Future Missions Moon

Following this mission will be China’s robotic Chang’e 7 towards the south pole region of our lunar neighbor. There, the probe would try to find signs of ice and study the environment and weather conditions. This series may conclude with change e eight which will either not establish a research station on the moon’s surface or do so depending upon various factors such as budget constraints etcetera ad infinitum et cetera et cætera I can keep going on like this forever.

China Moon Mission

International Collaboration

China is also planning to establish an international research base in collaboration with Russia on the Moon. This will then pave the way for Chinese astronauts reaching the lunar surface thereby further advancing human presence on the Moon.

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